A variable speed compressor is well-suited for many commercial and industrial applications and is an increasingly popular choice for companies seeking to reduce energy costs and qualify for energy company incentives. It can be an important component of an optimized compressed air system, provided that it is properly applied. Many factors must be considered before choosing to add even a properly-sized variable speed compressor to a system, so if you’re considering leasing or purchasing a compressor for your operation, first talk with the experts here at ACG Air Compressor in Lowell, MA.
Advantages of a variable speed compressor from ACG include:
- Energy savings from reduced power consumption
- Lower starting currents that eliminate the large spike in demand common with fixed drive compressors
- System longevity from optimized speeds and performance
- Consistent operational pressure from electronic controls and tighter tolerances
- Energy incentives from some power companies that reward the use of energy-saving systems
A variable speed drive (VSD) controls the frequency supplied to the drive motor on the New Castle, New Hampshire variable speed compressor in response to real-time demand on the system. When demand is low, the motor will run at a reduced speed, requiring less energy to operate. When demand for compressed air is higher, the VSD will automatically increase the frequency to the air compressor motor to meet CFM demands.
The control range of the variable speed compressor for New Castle, New Hampshire is defined as the difference between maximum output flow of the compressor at rated pressure and the minimum flow of the compressor at rated pressure. When the base-load compressors are sized within this range, and the compressed air station includes a master controller, then the compressed air station can maintain a stable operating pressure at various flow levels.
A variable speed drive air compressor has many advantages, but that doesn’t mean they are the right choice for every facility. How your operation uses compressed air, the amount of variability in your processes, and the characteristics of your facility will affect the decision to choose between a fixed speed and variable speed compressor for New Castle, New Hampshire. To learn more, contact the compressed air experts here at ACG Air Compressor.